Saturday, August 15, 2009

Waste Not, Want Not; Another Project

I have been thinking about this for awhile, this silly little project, and today, with a minimal of swearing at myself, and at the tools, and especially at the adhesive I used, I completed it after several hours.

I had an old leather jacket which I replaced last December when the zipper pull broke. I figured it was going to cost more than the jacket was worth to put a 3rd zipper in it. But I could not bring myself to simply toss it into the dumpster. I had worn the thing daily for nearly 10 years. It was time to go.

So, with my handy box cutter, I carefully cut out the panels of leather that were worth saving. (Everything but the collar and sleeves and pocket areas) The weathered remains of the de-leathered jacket... (basically a collar, sleeves from the elbow down, waist band, and the insulation and lining) are now in the dumpster as there is nothing left of the jacket worth saving.

I also had this old wooden box that I wanted to refinish even though I never have figured out what to put in it. I then proceeded to stretch, pull, cut and glue the leather to my stupid little box... which I forgot to take before pictures of.... suffice to say it used to be brown, and was scuffed, and had writing of some kind on the top. I believe it once contained a high quality microphone back in the 70's or 80's not sure when.

This is what I ended up with, a leather covered box, and still no idea what to do with it. Maybe I can roll up and store the remaining panels of leather that I also do not know what to do
with. Maybe one day, should my new jacket wear out, perhaps I have enough leather to replace the collar or pocket linings. Waste not, Want not. Another area where I fall victim to my own OCD.


Impressed said...

what to do with it? It's beautiful! Thanks for the idea!

Daedak said...

No problem. I also eventually covered an old cigarette case..... that was a total pain in the butt. Have decided that the next time, I am going to cover the old wine box that I keep my medications in.