Thursday, April 23, 2009


I took a walk today down the hill from my house to the old City Cemetery. It was a nice day, and I thought I should take a few snapshots.

Detail of A Woodman of the World Headstone

This little headstone made me sad.

These Headstones are losing ground to this tree
which appears to have pushed them aside as it grew.

Many stones like this one were very simple.
Only a name, without a date.
Some said merely "HUSBAND",

Except for this bird, I was the
only visitor to the graveyard today.

I wonder if this man is still remembered 113 years later.

I marveled at how well this headstone has weathered
the years compared to other stones in this graveyard.

Like this headstone, broken and weathered over time,
or perhaps vandalized. The stone remains, but for the casual observer,
it is impossible to know anything about the person buried here.

This stone has not weathered too well.
Much of the carving has been lost to the elements.