Saturday, September 05, 2009

Super Buggin' Out

Well, you may have noticed that my blogging has dropped off a bit lately, and with cause. Todays entry is more or less just an FYI post for those that read it.

For the past three weeks I have been enduring the painful advance of a growing infection in my leg. Forced to wait until now because of my issues with my insurance and whathaveyou. I told them when they garnished my pay what would happen, and I was not lying. When I ran out of meds, the infection grew. So... now, after suffering many sleepless nights, and days upon end laying in bed with my feet propped up, I now get to go to the hospital for more of the same.

I do not need a doctor to tell me what I have. I recognize the symptoms, and know conclusively that my cellulitus has developed into MRSA (METHYCILLIN-RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS). With my health conditions, the danger of this so called new superbug (originally predicted in the 1950s) I am aware I have put myself and my room mate at grave risk. I have had MRSA before and nearly died. The risk is the same here. Untreated, it could kill me. I am very sick now, and have kept very close watch on my progression. I have barely enough energy to function most days and have lost 10 pounds in the last month. My weight rarely ever fluctuates more than a couple pounds.

Anyway, I do not know if I will have internet access, and I no longer have my cell phone, so my contact with the outside world may be limited for a couple weeks or more. I do not know what to expect. I just know I cannot come home while I am still sick and/or contagious. But, I have a book, and some drawing paper, and a notebook, and a cribbage board and playing cards. I should be able to stay busy.

When I return home, I will try to bring this up to date. Life does not seem to stand still even though I do. Regards to each of you. Thank you for reading this.


CrazyDogMama said...

I am praying for you. Can I help in some way? How much are your meds?

CrazyDogMama said...

I'm dead serious. When I needed help, total strangers helped me. God provides. Please let me know what I can do.

Daedak said...

Thanks for the offer, Cheryl. I am thankful to find wireless network at hospital. So I can still surf. Good thing since all I can do is wait for the antibiotics to work. Nurse keeps coming in and poking me. Wish I would get some pain meds. This bed HURTS. I am okay. But, FYI, without insurance where I am right now, my meds are between 800 and 900 bucks a month. This is why it was necessary to basically let this infection go as long as I did. In the hospital, my meds are covered.
Thanks for the prayers though. That means a lot to me.

Blasé said...

Just when I think I have cause to complain...I can always find others that are in far greater trials than myself.

I feel for you and can only wish you the best and encourage you to relax and exercise your faith at this time.

Daedak said...

okay, oops. Sorry. Cheryl: That was supposed to be, "Thank you, no." I appreciate the offer, but cannot accept.

Blase: I feel like you. There are always people worse off than me. I am thankful for what I have, including a wifi connection and this crappy laptop. I am getting my stuff tended to, and I do appreciate the well wishers. Thanks.