Thursday, August 18, 2005

Punch Drunk

What possible excuse could I have for the title of this Blog, and for posting that horrible early picture of yours truly? I plead insanity. Insanity is a great defense... it is much better if you actually are insane. As best I can figure, crazy people have the luxury of simply not giving a shit. Why should they? In their little world, the weather is fine. In my world, it rains a lot. Of course, I do live in Washington, so I should be used to it. People here do not tan, they rust. When people come here on vacation and ask me what we do here during the summer, I usually say "If it lands on a weekend, we usually go on a picnic."

Punch drunk is a term used in boxing, refers to a condition in which the boxer, having taken a few too many shots to the head, has problems with his equillibrium. Maybe I have been hit with one too many birthdays. I dunno. It was the first phrase that popped into my head.... SO DEAL WITH IT! OKAY? That's it... no soup for you.

One thing I noticed, My mailbox remained empty yesterday. If anyone remembered my birthday, they forgot to send a card. I really was not expecting any. In the past, all I ever received was two or three anyway. Apparantly the people that normally remember simply forgot. The only person I really wanted to hear from of course did not call, did not write, and of course, that hurts. Still, I kind of expected it. But, I have no control over what they do, and I just gotta accept that. I do have control over how I choose to respond to my hurt feelings, and I choose not to let it get me down. It only hurts if I take it personally, and I choose to love her anyway. I am better than this, so, I will love her, and continue being her friend. She may be able to control everything else, but she cannot control my heart. So... should she ever read this, which I doubt..... she can take this as a great big "Neener, neener, neener!!Image" So much for acting my age, huh?

Diabetes running out of control, I am thirsty as heck, so am going to let this rest for awhile and go grab a drink from the trough. I think I can add to this entry later, so I will. After I take my meds and check my sugars.

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